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Vote for changes in PAOM bylaws

Posted 1 day ago by Nicole Fox

The PAOM board has proposed several changes to PAOM's existing bylaws (current language is available under the "Bylaws" tab of our website). We hope that these changes will help to streamline election processes and better facilitate our ability to serve our members.

To change the bylaws, we need your approval as members! Please review the proposed changes below, and submit a vote (yes or no) via the link at the bottom of this announcement. Thank you in advance for your feedback.

Proposed changes underlined below:

Section 2. Officer Qualifications
Each officer shall be an AAPA fellow member in good standing of AAPA for the duration of his or her term of office. Each PAOM officer shall have also been a PAOM member for a minimum of one year. Nominees/applicants for Vice President and Treasurer shall have been PAOM board member for a minimum of one year.

Section 6. Duties of the Treasurer
The treasurer shall take over the roll of immediate past treasurer and remain on the financial committee for one year in order to assist with the financial transitions during the change in terms.

Section 1. House of Delegates Qualifications
Each delegate to AAPA House of Delegates shall be an AAPA fellow member in good standing of AAPA for the duration of his or her term of office.  Each delegate shall also have been a member of PAOM for a minimum of one year.  Each delegate shall currently be a fellow member of PAs in Obesity Medicine in good standing for the duration of his or her term of office. 

Section 1. Standing Committees

There shall be such committees as may be specified by the board of directors, with such authority and responsibility as may be delegated by the board of directors or specified in the bylaws. 

  1. The members of each committee shall serve for a term of one year, commencing concurrent to elections.
  2. All committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the president, with the majority approval of the board of directors, and shall be subject to removal by the president. Each committee shall be responsible to the president and the board of directors.
  3. The Board of directors holds the right to attend and participate in scheduled committee meetings.
  4. Committees should hold regular meetings and shall make periodic written reports to the Board of Directors through the President.


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